§ 11-64. Initiative petition submission deadline; signature validity; report to commission.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The beginning date of any initiative petition period shall commence upon the date of approval by the administrator of the petition form on which signatures will be affixed, and said period shall terminate no later than one hundred eighty (180) days after that date.


    On or before the termination of the period described in subsection (a) above, the sponsor shall submit signed and dated petition forms to the administrator who shall certify, within ten (10) days, that the initiative petition contains the signatures of seven (7) per cent of the total number of county electors at the time of the last general election. In the event sufficient signatures are not acquired during that one-hundred-eighty-day period, the initiative petition shall be rendered null and void, and none of the signatures may be carried over onto another identical or similar initiative petition.


    Upon certification by the administrator that the initiative petition contains the required number of signatures, the supervisor of elections shall determine the validity of such petition. The supervisor of elections shall make said determination within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the administrator's certification. In the event that the supervisor of elections fails to act within such time, it shall be the duty of the administrator to determine the validity of the initiative petition, and he or she shall determine the validity of said petition within thirty (30) days thereafter.


    All county officers and departments shall assist and cooperate with the supervisor of elections or the administrator in determining the validity of any initiative petition.


    Within seven (7) days of determining that an initiative petition is valid, the supervisor of elections or the administrator shall file a written report of such determination with the commission. It shall be the duty of the commission to call a special referendum election in accordance with said petition to be held within ninety (90) days after the supervisor of elections or the administrator files a written report with the commission. Such special referendum election shall be called and held in accordance with the requirements of the general law of the State of Florida pertaining to the holding of special elections.


    In addition to the signature carry-over prohibition contained in subsection (b) of this section, if a Charter amendment or ordinance proposed by an initiative petition appears on a special referendum election ballot, irrespective of the failure or passage of such issue, the signatures accompanying the initiative petition proposing such issue shall not be utilized in support of any other future initiative petitions.

(Ord. No. 96-2, § 5, 2-27-96)