§ 12-35. Storage of blasting agents and supplies.
Long term storage: The following requirements shall apply to blasting agents and supplies stored for a period longer than ten (10) days:
Storage of explosives; quantity. Blasting agents or oxidizers, when stored in conjunction with explosives, shall be stored in the manner set forth in sections 12-28 and 12-29 for explosives. The quantity of blasting agents or oxidizers shall be included when computing the total quantity of explosives for determining distance requirements.
Location of buildings. Buildings used for the storage of blasting agents separate from explosives shall be located away from inhabited buildings, passenger railways, and public highways, in accordance with the provisions of the American Table of Distances for Storage of Explosives, Table 9.
Interior of storage buildings. The interior of buildings used for storage of blasting agents shall be kept clean and free of debris and empty containers. Spilled materials shall be cleaned up promptly and safely removed. Combustible materials, flammable liquids, corrosive acids, chlorates, nitrates other than ammonium nitrate, or similar materials shall not be stored in any building containing blasting agents unless separated therefrom by construction having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour. The provisions of this section shall not prohibit the storage of blasting agents together with nonexplosive blasting supplies.
Use of trailers for storage. Semitrailers or full trailers may be used for temporarily storing blasting agents, provided they are located away from inhabited buildings, passenger railways, and public highways in accordance with the provisions of the American Table of Distances for Storage of Explosives, Table 9. Trailers shall be provided with substantial means of locking and the trailer doors shall be kept locked, except during the time of placement or removal of blasting agents.
Separation of oxidizers from combustible fuels. Piles of oxidizers and buildings containing oxidizers shall be adequately separated from readily combustible fuels.
Caked oxidizers. Caked oxidizers, either in bags or in bulk, shall not be loosened by blasting.
Temporary storage: The following requirements shall apply where blasting agents and supplies are stored for a period of ten (10) days or less:
Every person in possession of any blasting agent shall cause the same to be stored in a safe place, approved by the Division for the temporary storage of blasting agents, and shall maintain such security measures as shall be reasonably necessary to prevent all unauthorized persons from gaining access to such blasting agents. Any person in possession of blasting agents who shall fail to use reasonable precautions for the security and safety of the blasting agents shall be deemed guilty of violating this section and shall be subject to the penalties provided for herein and, in addition thereto, shall be subject to revocation of any licenses issued by Broward County pursuant to this article.
The doors of containers housing blasting agents shall be kept locked except when being inspected or when blasting agents are being placed therein or being removed therefrom.
Storage areas for blasting agents shall be secured by means of a fence and gate(s), capable of being locked when required. The storage area shall also be barricaded by means of an artificial barricade or a natural barricade. An artificial barricade means an artificial mound or revetted wall of earth of a minimum thickness of three (3) feet. A natural barricade means natural features of the ground, such as hills or timber, of sufficient density that the surrounding exposures cannot be seen from the storage area when the trees are bare of leaves.
In addition to any rules and regulations imposed by the fire marshal, fire extinguishers shall be maintained on site and in working condition. Smoking, matches, open flames, spark-producing devices, and volatile materials, including solvents, shall be prohibited within fifty (50) feet of the barricades of blasting agents.
Mixing or manufacturing of blasting agents shall be prohibited on the temporary storage site.
Any other storage permit conditions or restrictions which, in the opinion of the director of the Division, or designee, are necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Broward County.
Blasting agents, when stored separately from explosives, shall be stored in accordance with nationally recognized good practice.
(Ord. No. 79-63, § 1, 8-15-79; Ord. No. 2005-07, § 16, 4-12-05; Ord. No. 2008-47, § 1, 11-13-08)