§ 27-355. Notifications.  

Latest version.
  • The following required notifications are in addition to any other notifications which may be specified by general license conditions or operating requirements under this Article:


    Release of hazardous material to the environment: In the event of an unauthorized release of a hazardous material to the air, waters, soils, or onto a surface which has the potential to impact the air, waters, soils, or other natural resources of Broward County, in an amount that is above the reportable quantity threshold, the responsible party shall take the necessary measures to stabilize the situation (stop the release, contain, and abate the further spread of contamination), and:


    Immediately provide verbal notification to the EPGMD 24-hour environmental response hotline;


    Provide written notification to EPGMD within seven (7) calendar days including, at a minimum, the location of the release, a description of the incident that caused the release, and a description of the action taken to stabilize the situation;


    Submit source removal reports, waste transport manifests, disposal manifests, name of disposal location(s), and any analytical results demonstrating proper disposal of contaminated material and confirmatory analyses showing that the threat has been abated, to EPGMD within thirty (30) calendar days; and


    At the request of EPGMD, conduct sufficient analysis to allow EPGMD to assess the levels of any contaminant of the air, ground, surface water, or groundwater resulting from the release. This may include, but is not limited to, the installation of monitoring wells, subsurface soil borings, or other EPGMD approved sample collection methods.

    Based upon EPGMD's review of the information provided, the responsible party(ies) may be required to obtain an environmental assessment and remediation license in accordance with Subsection 27-356(d) of this Article.


    Discovery of the presence of any contaminant: In the event that a responsible party discovers the presence of any contaminant in the air, waters, soils, or other natural resources of Broward County at a level which exceeds any applicable federal, state, or local regulatory cleanup target level or for which EPGMD has determined poses an actual threat or potential risk to water supplies, the environment, or to health and safety, the responsible party shall take the necessary measures to stabilize the situation and shall report such incidents to EPGMD as follows:


    Immediately provide verbal notification to the EPGMD 24-hour environmental response hotline;


    Provide written notification to EPGMD within seven (7) calendar days including, at a minimum, the location of the contaminant, a source of the contaminant (if known), and a description of any action taken to stabilize the situation along with any laboratory analyses available;


    Submit source removal reports, waste transport manifests, disposal manifests, name of disposal location, and any analytical results demonstrating proper disposal of contaminated material and confirmatory analyses showing that the threat has been abated to EPGMD within thirty (30) calendar days; and


    At the request of EPGMD, conduct sufficient analysis to allow EPGMD to assess the levels of any contaminant of the air, ground, surface water, or groundwater resulting from the release. This may include, but is not limited to, the installation of monitoring wells, subsurface soil borings, or other EPGMD approved sample collection methods.

    Based upon EPGMD's review of the information provided, the responsible party(ies) may be required to obtain an environmental assessment and remediation license in accordance with Subsection 27-356(d) of this Article.


    Failure to comply with license conditions: In the event the licensee is temporarily unable to comply with any of the conditions of the license, the licensee shall immediately notify EPGMD. Within seven (7) calendar days of the event, the licensee shall submit a written report to EPGMD that describes the incident, its cause, the measures being taken to correct the problem and prevent its reoccurrence, and a schedule of events leading toward operating within license conditions.


    Hazardous Material Facility Closure: Any hazardous material facility, including hazardous material management facilities and hazardous material transfer facilities, which intends to cease operations, initiate a temporary shutdown, transfer its license, or be permanently removed from use or operation, must provide written notification to EPGMD at least thirty (30) days prior to initiating such activities.


    Dewatering: Prior to any persons conducting dewatering operations at or within a one-quarter-mile radius of a contaminated site, written notification shall be given to EPGMD and shall include, at a minimum:


    Justification for the need for dewatering;


    Water treatment and disposal plans;


    Effect of the dewatering and disposal procedures on the contaminant plume;


    Monitoring program; and


    Where required and authorized by Chapters 471 or 492, F.S., as amended, applicable portions of dewatering plans shall be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer or a registered professional geologist.


    Field activities: Written notification shall be provided by the responsible party to EPGMD at least three (3) working days prior to performing field activities such as installing assessment monitoring wells or recovery wells, performing sampling, installing remediation equipment, or performing source removal activities. Personnel from EPGMD shall be allowed the opportunity to observe these field activities and to take split samples.

(Ord. No. 1999-52, § 1, 9-28-99; Ord. No. 2005-11, § 9, 5-24-05; Ord. No. 2008-09, § 1, 2-26-08)