§ 27-375. Declaration of intent.
In order to provide safe and secure management of the potable water resources for community water systems within Broward County's aquifers, as well as to protect the health of Broward County's citizens, Broward County declares that the storage, handling, and use of high-risk hazardous materials within the wellfield protection areas of Broward County's community water systems must be regulated. Furthermore, the Board finds that the improper storage, handling, use, and production of regulated substances can cause those substances to enter the public water supply. The Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department shall have the authority to license, inspect, evaluate, review, administer, and promote green initiatives for all regulated substance activities within the wellfield protection areas in order to provide a potable water source that is protected and secure.
(Ord. No. 2013-23, § 1, 6-11-13)