§ 27-376. Definitions.
When used in this article, the following words, phrases, and terms shall have the indicated meanings:
Closure means the removal and proper disposal of all regulated substances from a facility when the facility changes business operations or vacates the property.
Community water system means any privately-owned, municipally-owned, special district-owned, or county-owned water system serving twenty-five (25) people or more.
Confined aquifer means the Floridan Aquifer System located below the top of the Hawthorn Group.
Existing water well means a water well that supplies, or has the potential to supply, water for consumption by a community water system.
Groundwater means water within the earth supplied by wells and springs.
Hazardous material wellfield facility means any nonresidential land, structure, other appurtenance, or improvement used for storing, handling, using, or producing regulated substances in a wellfield protection area.
Hazardous material wellfield license means a license issued by the county to a person constructing, occupying, or operating a hazardous material wellfield facility.
High-risk hazardous materials means those substances identified on the regulated substances list.
Monitoring well means any non-pumping well used to obtain water quality samples or measure ground water levels.
Nonresidential activity means any activity which occurs in any building, structure, or open area that is not a residential unit.
Owner/operator means any person, corporation, or entity that owns or operates a facility, activity, vehicle, or property subject to regulation pursuant to this article.
Potable water means water withdrawn from a water well and treated to meet current state and federal drinking water standards for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes.
PPRAQD means the Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division of the Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department.
Raw water means water withdrawn from a water well and in a state prior to treatment.
Reclaimed water means water that has received at least secondary treatment and basic disinfection and is reused after flowing out of a domestic wastewater treatment facility.
Regulated substance means any substance listed in Appendix A of this article.
Release means the unauthorized spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, seeping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of any regulated substance (including abandoning or discarding barrels, containers, or other receptacles) to the waters and soils of Broward County.
Residential unit means a building with less than four (4) live-in units that is used for noncommercial purposes only.
Secondary containment means an impermeable coating, membrane, surface, or structure in which tanks or containers are placed. For tanks or containers larger than one hundred and ten (110) gallons, the secondary containment shall hold one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the volume of the largest tank or container. For tanks or containers of one hundred and ten (110) gallons or less, the secondary containment shall hold twenty percent (20%) of the combined volume of all the tanks or containers within the secondary containment, but no less than the volume of the single largest tank or container. All materials in a secondary containment shall be stored in a manner which prevents contact with an incompatible material or container in the event of a release. For the purpose of this article, a double-walled tank shall be considered secondary containment.
Storage means the act of keeping a regulated substance or regulated substances onsite within a hazardous material wellfield facility.
Surficial aquifer system means the unconfined aquifer located above the top of the Hawthorn Group.
Surficial aquifer system water well means a water well that accesses, withdraws, or produces water from a surficial aquifer system.
Unauthorized means performing any activity governed by the provisions of this article without a license or prior to receipt of written approval from PPRAQD.
Water well means any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed, when the intended use of such excavation is for accessing, withdrawing, and producing water from an underground aquifer for potable use by a community water system.
Wellfield means a tract of land which contains one (1) or more existing water wells for potable use by a community system.
Zone 1 means the wellfield protection area shown on the zones of influence map for existing water wells depicted on that map, and within two hundred and fifty (250) feet from an existing water well not depicted on that map.
Zone 2 means the wellfield protection area shown on the zones of influence map for existing water wells depicted on that map, and situated between the outer boundary of Zone 1 and five hundred (500) feet from an existing water well not depicted on that map.
Zone 3 means the wellfield protection area shown on the zones of influence map for existing water wells depicted on that map, and situated between the outer boundary of Zone 2 and one thousand three hundred and twenty (1,320) feet from an existing water well not depicted on that map.
Zones of influence means Zones 1, 2, and 3 as defined within this article.
Zones of influence map means that map of water wells within Broward County, Florida, approved on February 16, 2001, by the Florida Department of Community Affairs and kept on file in the offices of PPRAQD.
(Ord. No. 2013-23, § 1, 6-11-13)