Broward County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 27-413. Tree preservation trust fund.
Establishment of the Trust Fund: The Broward County Tree Preservation Trust Fund has been created in the general trust fund of Broward County for the purpose of accepting and disbursing the contributions made to the Board as part of tree removal licenses and any other monies deposited with EPGMD for tree preservation purposes. This fund shall be used to enhance tree canopy coverage in Broward County.
Term of Existence: The trust shall remain in existence unless specifically terminated by the Board.
Trust Assets: All monies received hereunder from public or private concerns shall be placed in trust for and inure to the use and benefit of EPGMD and its successors and assigns in interest.
Trust Expenditures: Monies in the trust shall be expended, utilized, and disbursed for the planting of trees and any other ancillary costs associated with the planting of trees on public lands in Broward County or at a childcare facility meeting the criteria of Section 27.187, Broward County Administrative Code. Ancillary costs shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the cost of the particular tree planting project, and shall include landscape design services, irrigation, additional landscaping, and any other items or materials necessary for the proper installation and maintenance of tree planting projects. These monies may also be used to cover the expense of relocation of trees to public lands in Broward County and the expense of periodically distributing saplings to the public to increase tree canopy coverage in Broward County.
Trust Administration:
Trust funds shall be expended, utilized, and disbursed only for the purposes designated by EPGMD in accordance with this section.
All monies deposited hereunder shall be deposited in the trust, in a separate account established and maintained apart from the general revenue funds and accounts of Broward County.
Monies obtained hereunder may be accepted on behalf of EPGMD by the Director of EPGMD or designee and, upon receipt, shall be delivered to the Broward County Finance and Administrative Services Department, which shall cause the same to be credited to the trust.
Except for funds that were contributed by a state, regional, or Countywide governmental entity, contributions received as a condition of a tree removal license in a particular municipality shall be used within that municipality. Beginning on September 30, 2019, and on each September 30 th thereafter, funds that have not been encumbered by an application for disbursement within two (2) years after deposit will be transferred to the Countywide portion of the fund. Beginning on June 1, 2019, and on or before each June 1 st thereafter, EPGMD shall notify each municipality of the funds available for use that would be transferred if not encumbered by September 30 th of that year.
Disbursal or Conversion of Assets:
Expenditures of Tree Preservation Trust Funds in an amount exceeding fifteen thousand dollars ($ 15,000.00) shall require Board approval.
The expenditures by EPGMD of Tree Preservation Trust Funds for the planting of trees shall be made in accordance with the guidelines of the Administrative Code pertaining to contracting and purchasing, and any other detailed procedures will be reflected in the internal procedures of EPGMD. The disbursement of these monies shall be under the control of the Board and, when required, shall be coordinated with other divisions of Broward County government.
Except for disbursements for use within the Broward Municipal Services District, no disbursement shall be made that reduces the available balance of the Countywide portion of the fund below fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00).
Use of Funds for Remedial Pruning and Tree Removal:
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this section, private property owners in the unincorporated areas of the County may apply for funds within the Broward County Tree Preservation Trust Fund to be used for remedial pruning or tree removal that may be required by Section 39-138.1 of the Code.
To receive funds pursuant to this subsection, a private property owner shall meet the following requirements:
The property owner must submit an application to EPGMD that certifies:
The private property owner is the owner of private, residential property upon which the tree is located;
The tree does not comply with the Right Tree, Right Place Guidelines; and
The private property owner will use the funds to bring the tree into conformity with the Right Tree, Right Place Guidelines as may be required by Section 39-138.1, and will comply with all requirements of that section including, but not limited to, the use of a qualified tree trimmer;
EPGMD shall grant an application if EPGMD determines that the remedial pruning or removal is required to bring the tree into conformity with Section 39-138.1; and
Following the remedial pruning or removal of the tree, the private property owner must submit:
Photographic documentation showing the tree was either remedially pruned or removed so as to bring it into compliance with Section 39-138.1; and
Invoices or other forms of receipt(s) from a contractor with a Class A Tree Trimmer License pursuant to Chapter 9, Article XI, showing the cost of removal.
The Director may approve expenditures up to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per tree or the cost of remedial pruning or removal of the tree, whichever is less. The Director shall deny any funding request that does not adhere to the requirements of this section, is determined to be fraudulent or otherwise unlawful, or where there are insufficient funds in the Tree Preservation Trust Fund.
Section 27-413(g) shall sunset one (1) year after the effective date of this ordinance.
(Ord. No. 1999-07, § 1, 3-9-99; Ord. No. 1999-55, § 1, 10-12-99; Ord. No. 2005-11, § 9, 5-24-05; Ord. No. 2009-56, § 1, 8-25-09; Ord. No. 2014-27, § 1, 9-9-14; Ord. No. 2017-12 , § 1, 4-25-17; Ord. No. 2018-22 , § 5, 5-8-18)
MINIMUM HEIGHT, 2.0 INCH CALIPERReplacement Canopy Area Credit (in Square Feet): 300
Common Name Latin Name African mahogany Khaya spp. Flame bottle tree Brachychiton acerifolius *Bald cypress Taxodium distichum Black olive Bucida buceras Floss silk tree Chorisia speciosa Golden rain tree Koelreuteria formosana Golden shower tree Cassia fistula *Green buttonwood Conocarpus erectus *Gumbo limbo Bursera simaruba Indian tamarind Tamarindus indica Jacaranda Jacaranda mimosifolia Kapok tree Ceiba pentandra *Laurel oak Quercus laurifolia *Live oak Quercus virginiana *Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora *Mahogany Swietenia mahogani *Mastic Mastichodendron foetidissimum *Paradise tree Simarouba glauca *Pitch apple Clusia rosea *Pond cypress Taxodium ascendens *Red maple Acer rubrum *Red mulberry Morus rubra Red silk cotton tree Bombax ceiba Rusty leaf fig Ficus rubiginosa Royal poinciana Delonix regia *Sea grape Cocolloba uvifera *Shortleaf fig Ficus citrifolia *Slash pine Pinus elliottii var. densa *Soapberry Sapindus saponaria *Southern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Spanish cherry Mimusops elengi *Strangler fig Ficus aurea *Sugarberry Celtis laevigata *Sweet bay Magnolia virginiana Weeping podocarpus Podocarpus gracilior *Wild tamarind Lysiloma latisiliqua *Willow bustic Dipholis salicifolia Yellow Poinciana Peltophorum pterocarpum *Native to Florida CATEGORY 2 TREES
8 FOOT MINIMUM HEIGHTReplacement Canopy Area Credit (in Square Feet): 150
Common Name Latin Name African tulip tree Spathodea campanulata Black sapote Diospyros dignya Brazil beautyleaf Calophyllum brasiliense Buttercup tree Cochlospermum vitifolium *Buttonwood (silver) Conocarpus erectus (var. sericeus) *Cherry laurel Prunus caroliniana *Crabwood Gymnanthes lucida Curly pod Caesalpinia mexicana *Dahoon holly Ilex cassine *East Palatka holly Illex x attenuata *Fiddlewood Citharexylum fruticosum Frangipani Plumeria spp. Glaucous cassia Senna surattensis *Guiana plum Drypetes lateriflora *Jamaica dogwood Piscidia piscipula *Krug's holly Ilex krugiana Florida lilac Lonchocarpus *Lancewood Nectandra coriacea Longan Euphoria longan Loquat Eriobotrya japonica Lychee Litchi chinensis Madagascar olive Noronhia emarginata *Persimmon Diospyros virginiana *Pigeon plum Coccoloba diversifolia Pink trumpet tree Tabebuia heterophylla *Pond apple Annona glabra Queen's crape-myrtle Lagerstroemia speciosa Red geiger Cordia sebestena *Wild tamarind Lysiloma sabicu *Sand pine Pinus clausa *Satinleaf Chrysophyllum oliviforme Sausage tree Kigelia pinnata *Southern red cedar Juniperus silicicola *Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua *Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Tree of gold Tabebuia caraiba Vera Bulnesia arborea White geiger Cordia boisseri *Native to Florida CATEGORY 3 TREES
6 FOOT CLEAR TRUNK FOR PALMSReplacement Canopy Area Credit (in Square Feet): 100
Common Name Latin Name Allspice Pimenta dioica Beach acacia Acacia cyanophylla *Black ironwood Krugiodendron ferreum *Blolly Guapira discolor *Brush cherry Syzygium paniculatum *Cabbage palm Sabal palmetto Canary Island date palm Phoenix canariensis Coconut palm Cocos nucifera *Cocoplum Chrysobalanus icaco Coral bean Erythrina spp. Crape-myrtle Lagerstroemia indica *Jamaica caper Capparis cynophallophora Macadamia nut Macadamia spp. *Redberry stopper Eugenia confusa Royal palm Roystonea spp. *Simpson stopper Myrcianthes fragrans Snailseed Cocculus laurifolius *Spanish stopper Eugenia foetida *Wax myrtle Myrica cerifera *Wild lime Zanthoxylum fagara *Native to Florida CATEGORY 4 PALMS
MINIMUM 6 FOOT CLEAR TRUNKReplacement Canopy Area Credit (in Square Feet): 50
Common Name Latin Name Alexandra palm Archontophoenix alexandrae Bottle palm Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Carpenter Palm Carpentaria acumenata Date palm Phoenix dactylifera *Florida cherry palm Pseudophoenix sargentii *Florida silver palm Coccothrinax argentata *Florida thatch palm Thrinax radiata Foxtail palm Wodyetia bifurcata *Paurotis palm Acoelorrhaphe wrightii Pindo palm Butia capitata Red latan palm Latania lontaroides Triangle palm Dypsis decaryi Windmill palm Trachycarpus fortunei *Native to Florida
(Ord. No. 2010-18, § 8, 6-8-10)