No contract shall be let by the board for the construction or maintenance of any project
authorized by this article, nor shall any goods, supplies or materials be purchased
when the amount thereof to be paid by said district shall exceed four thousand dollars
($4,000.00), unless notice of bids shall be advertised once a week for two (2) consecutive
weeks in a newspaper published in Broward County and in general circulation in the
district, and in each case the bid of the lowest responsible bidder shall be accepted,
unless all bids are rejected because the bids are too high. The board may require
the bidders to furnish bond with responsible surety to be approved by the board. Nothing
in this section shall prevent the board from undertaking and performing the construction,
operation and maintenance of any project or facility authorized by this article, by
the employment of labor, material and machinery.
(Sp. Acts, Ch. 70-617, § 47)
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