§ 27-315. Incident and discharge response.
Incident response.
If an incident occurs at a facility, actions shall be taken promptly to investigate the incident to determine if a discharge has occurred. Notification of the incident shall be sent to the EPGMD on Form 62-761.900(6). A discharge shall be reported in accordance with section 27-305(c), if one is discovered during the incident investigation.
If the investigation indicates that the incident was not a discharge, a written confirmation and explanation shall be submitted to the EPGMD. Test results or reports, which support the findings, shall be maintained on site as records.
The investigation shall be completed within two (2) weeks of the date of discovery of the incident. At the end of this time period, either a discharge report form or a written confirmation and explanation that the release was not a discharge shall be submitted to the EPGMD.
Any spill or loss of hazardous material into secondary containment shall be removed within three (3) days of discovery.
Discharge response.
If a discharge of a hazardous material occurs at a facility, actions shall be taken immediately to contain, remove, and abate the discharge under all applicable local and State rules (for example, Chapter 62-770, F.A.C., Petroleum Contamination Site Cleanup Criteria). Owners and operators are advised that other federal, state, or local requirements may apply to these activities. If the contamination present is subject to the provisions of Chapter 62-770, F.A.C., corrective action, including free product recovery, shall be performed in accordance with that chapter.
When evidence of a discharge from a storage tank system is discovered and reported in accordance with section 27-305(c), the following actions shall be taken:
If the source or cause of the discharge is unknown, the discharge shall be investigated in accordance with NFPA 329, Chapters 3 and 5;
The hazardous material shall be removed from the system as necessary to prevent further discharge to the environment. Notice of the need to take the system out-of-service on an emergency basis shall be made to the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-305(a);
Fire, explosion, and vapor hazards shall be identified and mitigated; and
The system shall be repaired in accordance with section 27-309. If the system cannot be repaired, it shall be closed in accordance with section 27-317(c).
The system shall be tested if the EPGMD determines that:
There has been a failure to comply with the release detection requirements of section 27-308;
A release detection device, well, or method indicates that a discharge of a regulated substance has occurred, and the discharge was not previously reported; or
Groundwater contamination that is not associated with previously known contamination is present in the vicinity of the system and the system is likely to be a source of the contamination.
Within three (3) days of the discovery of a discharge, the following steps shall be initiated:
A test on the system in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3), if the test is necessary to confirm a discharge; and
If found to be leaking, placement of the system out-of-service in accordance with section 27-317(b), until repaired, replaced or closed.
Contaminated soil excavated, disposed of, or stockpiled on site during the closure of a storage tank system shall be managed in accordance with Chapter 62-770, F.A.C.
(Ord. No. 1999-46, § 1, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 2005-11, § 9, 5-24-05; Ord. No. 2009-56, § 1, 8-25-09)