§ 27-307. Performance standards.
Performance Standards for Category-C Storage Tank Systems.
General performance standards. AST and UST Category-C systems shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the requirements of this section. AST and UST Category-C systems shall be made of, or internally lined with, materials that are compatible with the regulated substance stored in the system. The following requirements are applicable to both UST and AST systems:
Persons are advised that, pursuant to Rule 62-521.400(1)(l) through (n) and (2), F.A.C., no storage tank shall be installed within five hundred (500) feet of any existing community water supply system or any existing non-transient non-community water supply system. No Category-C system (AST or UST) shall be installed within one hundred (100) feet of any other existing potable water supply well. These prohibitions shall not apply to the replacement of an existing storage tank system within the same excavation or dike field area, or the addition of new storage systems meeting the standards for Category-C systems at an existing facility.
Upon the effective date of this ordinance [Ord. No. 2003-04, effective Feb. 4, 2003], no construction of AST systems greater than 50,000 gallons per tank or 400,000 gallons per facility shall be permitted except at Port Everglades and the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport locations.
Exterior coatings. Exterior portions of aboveground tanks and aboveground integral piping, excluding double-walled systems, shall be coated or otherwise protected from external corrosion. The coating shall be designed and applied to resist corrosion, deterioration, and degradation of the exterior wall. SSPC-PA 1, Paint Application Specification No. 1 may be used to protect storage tank systems from external corrosion.
Spill containment. USTs and shop-fabricated ASTs shall be installed with a spill containment system at each tank fill connection. The spill containment system shall be a fixed component that is designed to prevent a discharge of hazardous materials when the transfer hose or pipe is detached from the tank fill pipe. The spill containment system shall meet the requirements of section 27-307(a)(1)e.
Dispensing systems.
The dispensing system used for transferring fuels from storage tanks shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of NFPA 30 and Chapters 2, 4 and 9 of NFPA 30A.
Dispensers shall be designed, constructed, and maintained to provide access for examination and removal of collected product and accumulated water from dispenser liners.
Secondary containment.
The materials used for secondary containment shall be:
Impervious to the hazardous material and able to withstand deterioration from external environmental conditions;
Non-corrosive or of corrosion-protected materials;
Capable of containing hazardous materials for at least thirty (30) days; and
Of sufficient thickness and strength to withstand hydrostatic forces at maximum capacity to prevent a discharge during its operating life.
Liners, unless previously approved by the EPGMD, shall be approved by the FDEP in accordance with section 27-316. Liners shall not be constructed or consist of naturally occurring in-situ soils.
Secondary containment constructed of concrete shall be:
Designed and constructed in accordance with ACI 350R-89 and ACI 224R-89; or
Lined on the visible interior surfaces of the dike field area in accordance with NACE International Standard RP 0892-92, or SSPC Publication 97-04, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Coating Systems for Concrete Used in Secondary Containment; or
Designed, evaluated, and certified by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida that the concrete secondary containment system meets the General Construction Requirements specified in section 27-307(a)(1)e.1.
For cathodically protected tanks and integral piping, secondary containment systems shall not interfere with the operation of the cathodic protection system.
Storage tank system equipment with closed interstitial spaces, such as double-walled USTs, double-bottomed ASTs, and double-walled integral piping in contact with the soil that is connected to ASTs or USTs, shall be designed, constructed and installed to allow for the detection of a breach of integrity in the inner or outer wall by the monitoring of the interstitial space in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3)a. A breach of integrity test shall be performed before the storage tank system is put into service.
Secondary containment systems shall be designed and installed to direct any release to a monitoring point or points.
Airport and seaport hydrant pits. Underground hydrant pits shall be installed with a spill catchment basin, secondary containment, or other spill prevention equipment to prevent the discharge of pollutants during fueling of aircraft, vessels, or at any other time the hydrant system is in use. Any such equipment shall be sealed to and around the hydrant piping with an impervious, compatible material.
Field-fabricated dispenser liners and piping sumps installed before July 13, 1998, do not have to be approved in accordance with section 27-316.
Cathodic protection.
Test stations. Cathodic protection systems shall be designed, constructed, and installed with at least one test station or method of monitoring to allow for a determination of current operating status. Cathodic protection test stations shall provide direct access to the soil electrolyte in close proximity to each cathodically protected structure for placement of reference electrodes, and monitoring wires that connect directly to cathodically protected structures. Facilities where direct access to soil in close proximity to cathodically protected structures is present, and where electrical connections to cathodically protected structures can be conveniently accomplished, need not have separate dedicated cathodic protection test stations.
The cathodic protection system shall be operated and maintained in accordance with section 27-309(a)(2).
Any field-installed cathodic protection system shall be designed by a Corrosion Professional.
Relocation of USTs. Tanks that have been removed and that are to be reinstalled at a different location shall:
Be recertified that all original warranties are confirmed by the original manufacturer or the manufacturer's successor, and be reinstalled in accordance with the standards in section 27-307(a), that were in effect on July 13, 1998; or
Be recertified by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida that the UST meets all applicable standards of section 27-307(a), in effect on July 13, 1998; and
Proof of recertification shall be provided to the County prior to the completion of installation. The provisions of section 27-316, do not apply to the requirements of this subparagraph.
Relocation of ASTs. Tanks that have been removed and that are to be reinstalled at a different location shall:
For field-erected tanks, comply with API Standard 653; or
For shop-fabricated tanks, be reinstalled in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, if applicable, and with the standards in section 27-307(a), that were in effect on July 13, 1998.
Reuse of storage tanks. Unless it is recertified for use by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida, or is recertified by the manufacturer, and is brought into service in accordance with section 27-307(a):
A UST cannot be used or reused as an AST for the storage of hazardous materials; and
An AST cannot be used or reused as a UST for the storage of hazardous materials.
Underground storage tank systems.
All components of a storage tank system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
All storage tank systems shall be installed according to the applicable provisions of NFPA 30 and 30A, PEI/RP100-97, and API RP 1615.
A Certified Contractor shall perform the installation of storage tank systems containing pollutants, including tanks, integral piping (excluding drop tubes), overfill protection and spill containment equipment, internal release detection equipment, cathodic protection systems, secondary containment systems, and dispensing systems, if the installation of the storage tank system component disturbs the backfill, or where the integral piping is connected or disconnected during installation.
A tightness test shall be performed on the tank and integral piping before any storage tank system is placed into service unless the system's equipment approval specifies otherwise.
Tank construction standards.
Fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks shall be constructed in accordance with UL 1316 and ASTM Standard D4021-86, or certified by a nationally recognized laboratory that these standards are met.
Cathodically protected steel tanks shall be:
Constructed in accordance with UL 58 and UL 1746, or as applicable;
Constructed in accordance with STI #STI-P 3 Specification and Manual for External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks; or
Certified by a Nationally Recognized Laboratory that these standards are met, and constructed and designed by a corrosion professional in accordance with NACE International Standard RP0285-95 for any field-installed cathodic protection system.
Steel tanks coated with a fiberglass reinforced plastic composite shall be constructed in accordance with UL-58 and either UL 1746, STI ACT 100 (F894), or certified by a nationally recognized laboratory that one of these standards is met.
Storage tanks constructed of any other material, design, or corrosion protection shall be approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316.
Any new tank manufactured with previously used or remanufactured components shall be certified before being installed as meeting the applicable standards by Underwriters Laboratory, by a comparable certified product testing laboratory, or by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida.
Tanks shall be constructed or installed to provide for interstitial monitoring.
Secondary containment. All tanks installed or constructed at a facility after July 13, 1998, shall have secondary containment.
Overfill protection.
At a minimum, fillbox covers shall be marked in accordance with API RP 1637, or with an equivalent method approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316.
USTs shall be equipped with a system that either:
Automatically shuts off flow to the tank when the tank is no more than ninety-five (95) percent full;
Restricts flow to the tank when the tank is no more than ninety (90) percent full;
Alerts the transfer operator when the tank is no more than ninety (90) percent full by triggering a high level alarm;
Alerts the transfer operator with a high level alarm set at four hundred (400) gallons below tank top, but no less than one (1) minute before overfilling; or
Automatically shuts off flow into the tank so that none of the fittings located on top of the tank are exposed to product due to overfilling.
Dispenser liners.
Storage tank systems installed or replaced after July 13, 1998, shall be installed with liners meeting the performance standards of section 27-307(a)(1)e., beneath the union of the piping and the dispenser.
Hydrostatic tests shall be performed for all dispenser liners before placing the system into service. The duration of the tests shall be at least:
Twenty-four (24) hours for field-fabricated dispenser liners; or
Three (3) hours for factory-made dispenser liners.
Dispenser liners shall be installed to allow for interstitial monitoring in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3)a.
Piping sumps.
Piping sumps installed after July 13, 1998, shall meet the performance standards of section 27-307(a)(1)e. The sumps shall be designed, constructed, and installed to minimize water entering the sump.
Hydrostatic tests shall be performed for all piping sumps before placing the system into service. The duration of the tests shall be at least:
Twenty-four (24) hours for field-fabricated piping sumps; or
Three (3) hours for factory-made piping sumps.
Piping sumps shall be installed to allow for interstitial monitoring in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3)a.
Aboveground storage tank systems.
All components of a storage tank system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Storage tank systems shall be installed according to the applicable provisions of NFPA 30, NFPA 30A and PEI/RP200-96.
Tank construction standards.
Shop-fabricated tanks shall be constructed in accordance with one of the following:
UL 142;
API Standard 620;
API Specification 12B;
API Specification 12F;
API Specification 12P;
STI F911-93;
STI F9217;
ASME B96.1; or
UL 2085.
Field-erected tanks shall be constructed in accordance with one of the following:
ASME B96.1;
API Standard 620;
API Standard 650;
API Specification 12B; or
API Specification 12D.
Field-erected tanks shall have an inspection and testing frequency established in accordance with API Standard 653 and maintained for the life of the tank.
Steel tanks in contact with soil shall have a cathodic protection system meeting the following requirements:
The cathodic protection system shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with API RP 651 and NACE International Standard RP-0193-93;
A field-installed cathodic protection system shall be designed by a Corrosion Professional;
The cathodic protection system shall be designed and installed with at least one (1) test station in accordance with section 27-307(a)(2)b.2.b), or a method of monitoring to allow for a determination of current operating status; and
The cathodic protection system shall be operated and maintained in accordance with section 27-309(a)(2).
Tanks constructed of any other material, design, or corrosion protection shall be approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316.
Secondary containment.
All tanks installed or constructed at a facility after July 13, 1998, shall have secondary containment beneath the tank and within the dike field area, except for the following:
Tanks containing high viscosity hazardous materials are exempt from the requirements for secondary containment. However, used or waste oil tanks, regardless of viscosity, shall have secondary containment beneath the tank and within the dike field area.
Double-walled shop-fabricated tanks approved in accordance with section 27-316, do not have to be installed in a dike field area.
Shop-fabricated tanks containing petroleum contact water pursuant to Chapter 62-740, F.A.C., that are subject to this chapter, elevated above and not in contact with the soil, and that have an impervious surface directly beneath the area of the tank.
Field-erected tanks used for the temporary storage of petroleum contact water pursuant to Chapter 62-740, F.A.C., that are subject to this chapter, and that have passed an internal inspection for structural integrity in accordance with API Standard 653.
AST Category-C field-erected tanks constructed within a dike field area with AST Category-A field-erected tanks shall have secondary containment beneath the tank, but shall not be required to have secondary containment within the dike field area until December 31, 1999.
Release prevention barriers such as double-bottoms, liners, or other undertank secondary containment systems for field-erected tanks shall be designed and constructed in accordance with API Standard 650.
Dike field areas with secondary containment shall:
Conform to the requirements of NFPA 30, Chapter 2 through 3;
Contain a minimum of one hundred ten (110) percent of the maximum capacity of the tank or of the largest single-walled tank within the dike field area. Capacity calculations shall include the volume occupied above the area of the "footprint" of the tank bottom or the largest tank within the dike field area;
If not roofed or otherwise protected from the accumulation of rainfall, be constructed with a manually controlled pump or siphon, or a gravity drain pipe which has a manually controlled valve to remove accumulated liquids. Gravity drain pipes shall be designed and constructed to prevent a discharge in the event of fire;
Have all integral piping and other penetrations that pass through the secondary containment of dike field areas sealed around the outside of the penetration with an impervious compatible material to prevent the discharge of pollutants; and
If constructed of steel, be tested in accordance with UL 142.
Overfill protection.
No transfer of hazardous materials shall be made unless the volume available in the tank is greater than the volume of hazardous materials to be transferred. The transfer shall be repeatedly monitored to prevent overfilling.
Overfill protection shall be performed in accordance with API RP 2350.
At a minimum, fillbox covers shall be marked in accordance with API RP 1637, or an equivalent method approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316.
All tanks shall be equipped with at least one of the following:
A gauge or other measuring device that accurately shows the level of pollutant in the tank and that is visible to the person who is monitoring the filling;
A high level warning alarm;
A high level liquid flow cutoff controller;
An impervious dike field area; or
Another device approved in accordance with section 27-316.
Calibrated stick measurements of the level of pollutants in the tank shall only be used for tanks with a capacity of fifteen thousand (15,000) gallons or less that are not loaded with high-volume pressurized nozzles. Such tanks shall not be loaded beyond ninety-five (95) percent capacity.
Dispenser liners.
Dispensers connected to AST systems that are installed or replaced after July 13, 1998, shall be installed with liners meeting the performance standards of section 27-307(a)(1)e., beneath the union of the piping and the dispenser. Dispensers mounted directly upon a tank are exempt from this requirement.
Hydrostatic tests shall be performed for all dispenser liners before placing the system into service. The duration of the tests shall be at least:
Twenty-four (24) hours for field-fabricated dispenser liners; or
Three (3) hours for factory-made dispenser liners.
Dispenser liners shall be installed to allow for interstitial monitoring in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3)a.
Piping sumps.
Piping sumps installed after July 13, 1998, shall meet the performance standards of section 27-307(a)(1)e. The sumps shall be designed, constructed, and installed to minimize water entering the sump.
Hydrostatic tests shall be performed for all piping sumps before placing the system into service. The duration of the tests shall be at least:
Twenty-four (24) hours for field-fabricated piping sumps; or
Three (3) hours for factory-made piping sumps.
Piping sumps shall be installed to allow for interstitial monitoring in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3)a.
Integral piping for aboveground and underground storage tank systems.
All integral piping shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, if applicable.
All integral piping shall be installed according to the applicable provisions of NFPA 30, NFPA 30A, and ASME B31.4.
A tightness test shall be performed on underground small diameter piping associated with ASTs before any new underground piping system is placed into service. A pressure test shall be performed for underground bulk product piping before the piping system is placed into service. Tightness tests for underground small diameter piping connected to USTs are subject to section 27-307(a)(2)a.4.
All piping that is not in contact with the soil, installed after July 13, 1998, shall meet the construction standards in section 27-307(a)(4)a. through d.
Integral piping construction standards.
Fiberglass reinforced plastic piping or other non-metallic piping installed at a facility shall be listed with UL 971, UL 567, certified by a Nationally Recognized Laboratory that these standards are met, or approved in accordance with section 27-307(4)b.3.
Coated steel piping shall be constructed in accordance with ASME B31.4. Integral piping in contact with the soil shall be cathodically protected in accordance with API RP 1632, NACE International RP-0169-96, and STI R892-96.
Integral piping constructed of other materials, design, or corrosion protection shall be approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316.
Small diameter piping.
Pressurized small diameter piping systems connected to dispensers shall be installed with shear valves or emergency shutoff valves in accordance with NFPA 30A, section 4-3.6, if applicable. These valves shall be designed to close automatically if a dispenser is dislodged from the integral piping. The valves shall be rigidly anchored independently of the dispenser. For underground small diameter piping, the valves shall be checked at the time of installation by a certified contractor to confirm that the automatic closing function of the valve operates properly and that the valve is properly anchored.
Gravity-fed small diameter integral piping systems must be installed with an isolation valve at the point of connection to the storage tank to prevent the discharge of hazardous materials in the case of piping failure. The valve shall meet the standards of NFPA 30A, section 2-1.7.
Swing-joints shall not be installed.
Bulk product piping. Bulk product piping shall be constructed and installed in accordance with NFPA 30, and ASME B31.4.
Secondary containment.
Small diameter integral piping that is in contact with the soil or that transports regulated substances over surface waters of the state shall have secondary containment.
Bulk product piping that is in contact with the soil shall have secondary containment.
Remote fill piping that is in contact with the soil shall have secondary containment.
The following integral piping systems are exempt from the requirements for secondary containment:
Integral piping in contact with the soil, and that is connected to storage tanks containing high viscosity hazardous materials; and
Vertical fill pipes equipped with a drop tube.
Performance Standards for Category-A and Category-B Storage Tank Systems.
General. This section provides deadlines for Category-A and Category-B storage tank systems to meet the standards for Category-C storage tank systems in accordance with section 27-307(a).
Installation shall be completed by the deadlines specified in Table UST and Table AST. However, if installation or upgrade activities are initiated before the deadlines, work can continue after the deadlines, provided that all work is completed within 90 days of:
Contract execution; or
Receipt of construction approval or permits.
Installation is considered to have begun if:
All federal, state, and local approvals or permits have been obtained or applied for to begin physical construction for installation of the system; or
Contractual obligations have been made for installation of the system which cannot be canceled or modified without substantial economic loss, provided that such obligations are pursued diligently in good faith to achieve the requirements of this rule.
By December 31, 1998:
All pressurized small diameter piping systems connected to dispensers shall have shear valves or emergency shutoff valves installed in accordance with section 27-307(a)(4)c.
Cathodic protection test stations shall be installed in accordance with sections 27-307(a)(1)f.1. and (a)(2)b.2., for cathodically protected UST or AST systems without test stations.
Fillboxes shall be color coded in accordance with section 27-307(a)(2)d.1.
ASTs that have been reinstalled as USTs, and USTs that have been reinstalled as ASTs, shall meet the requirements of section 27-307(a).
After July 13, 1998, a closure assessment shall be performed in accordance with section 27-317(d), before the installation of dispenser liners, piping sumps, or secondary containment of tanks and integral piping.
Valves meeting the requirements of section 2-1.7 of NFPA 30A, shall be installed by January 13, 1999, on any storage tank system located at an elevation that produces a gravity head on the dispenser or on small diameter piping.
Small diameter piping transporting hazardous materials over surface waters of the state shall have secondary containment by December 31, 2004.
Underground storage tank systems.
UST Category-A single-walled tanks or underground single-walled piping shall be considered to be protected from corrosion if the tank or piping was constructed with corrosion resistant materials, initially installed with cathodic protection, or had cathodic protection or internal lining installed before June 30, 1992.
UST Category-B systems.
All tanks containing pollutants, installed or constructed at a facility after June 30, 1992, shall have secondary containment.
All tanks containing hazardous substances, installed or constructed at a facility after January 1, 1991, shall have secondary containment.
Small diameter integral piping in contact with the soil that is connected to UST systems shall have secondary containment if installed after December 10, 1990.
By December 31 of the appropriate year shown in Table UST below, all storage tank systems shall meet the performance standards of section 27-307(a), or be permanently closed in accordance with section 27-317(c).
Year Tank or Integral Piping Installed 1989 1992 1995 1998 2004 2009 +Before 1970 IO B ACFL D E +1970 - 1975 I SBL ACF D E +1976 - 1980 I B SL ACF D E +1981 - 09/01/84 I B ACFL D E +09/02/84 - 06/30/92 I B ACFL D E +Other* I B ACFL D E Key to Table UST
* =
All systems with a capacity between one hundred ten (110) gallons and five hundred fifty (550) gallons, all marine fueling facilities as defined in § 376.031, F.S. and those systems of greater than five hundred fifty (550) gallon capacity that use less than one thousand (1,000) gallons per month or ten thousand (10,000) gallons per year.
A =
Small diameter piping that was protected from corrosion by June 30, 1992, shall have:
For pressurized piping, line leak detectors with automatic shutoff, or flow restriction in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3)d.; or
For suction integral piping:
Secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a)(1)e.;
A single check valve installed in accordance with section 27-308(b)(4)a.3.;
An annual line tightness test in accordance with section 27-308(b)(4)a.1.; or
External monthly monitoring or release detection in accordance with section 27-308(b)(4)a.1.b).
Bulk product piping in contact with soil shall be upgraded with secondary containment unless the piping is:
Constructed of corrosion resistant materials or upgraded with cathodic protection; and
Tested on an annual basis in accordance with API RP 1110, ASME B31.4, or an equivalent method approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316.
B =
Vehicular fuel petroleum storage tank systems shall be upgraded with spill containment.
C =
Secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a)(1)e., shall be required for the following:
Concrete storage tanks;
Hazardous substance storage tank systems; and
For pollutant storage tank systems, the storage tank or small diameter piping not protected from corrosion by June 30, 1992.
D =
Secondary containment shall be installed for small diameter piping extending over surface waters.
Secondary containment for remote fill-pipes associated with Category-A and Category-B systems.
E =
Pollutant storage tanks and small diameter piping protected from corrosion on or before June 30, 1992, and all manifolded piping, shall be upgraded with secondary containment.
F =
Storage tank systems, excluding vehicular fuel petroleum storage tank systems, shall be upgraded with spill containment, and dispenser liners (as applicable).
Unless contained within secondary containment, swing-joints and flex-connectors that are not protected from corrosion shall be protected from corrosion. Facilities that have pressurized small diameter piping and that have not met the foregoing standard on or before July 13, 1998, shall protect the submersible turbine pump from corrosion or provide corrosion protection for the submersible turbine pump if the pump is not installed within secondary containment. Corrosion protection is not required for the submersible turbine pump riser.
I =
Storage tank systems shall be upgraded with in-line leak detectors with mechanical flow restrictor shutoff for pressurized integral piping and overfill protection.
L =
Category-A USTs and their integral piping systems that contain vehicular fuel, and that are not protected from corrosion, shall have secondary containment, or be upgraded with secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a).
Dispenser liners shall be installed at UST Category-A systems containing vehicular fuel.
O =
UST Category-A vehicular fuel storage tank systems subject to Chapter 17-61, F.A.C.,(1984), shall be retrofitted for corrosion protection.
S =
Secondary containment for storage tanks and integral piping not protected from corrosion.
Where the storage tank facility is totally or partially within the one-foot drawdown contour of a public water supply well or in an area not within an assigned service area of a public water supply utility, the facility shall have a secondary containment installed by May 11, 1991, that prevents any discharge from the facility from reaching the groundwater outside the containment, except that:
UST Category-A storage tank systems that are constructed of fiberglass, or cathodically protected metal, steel clad with glass fiber reinforced plastic, plastic or other approved materials, and that are inert to the product to be stored, shall be exempt from installing secondary containment provided that:
The storage tank system shall be tightness tested within twenty-four (24) hours if there is any indication that the storage tank system is leaking;
Monitoring wells used for release detection shall be equipped with continuous automatic leak detection devices. These devices shall be tested daily for proper maintenance and operation. Owners or operators of facilities with groundwater monitoring wells containing free product or having a sheen and/or that are unable to detect new discharges above background, shall use at least one (1) of the following methods for release detection in those contaminated areas:
Interstitial monitoring of tank and integral piping secondary containment systems;
A continuous automatic tank gauging system;
A statistical inventory reconciliation system with a tightness test of the storage tank every three years;
An annual tank and piping tightness test in accordance with section 27-308(c)(3)c.4. in conjunction with daily inventory reconciliation. This method can only be used until:
Ten (10) years after the date of installation of a single-walled corrosion protected tank;
Ten (10) years after the tank is upgraded with corrosion protection or internal lining; or
December 22, 1998, whichever is later; or
Vapor detection systems capable of detecting a new release above background levels.
Secondary containment must be installed by May 11, 1999.
Where the UST Category-A storage tank facility is totally or partially within the one-foot drawdown contour of an existing or proposed public water supply well as a result of the revision of the wellfield protection maps adopted by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners, and where the storage tanks are not constructed of fiberglass, steel clad with glass fiber-reinforced plastic, single walled steel which has been cathodically protected continuously since the installation of the tank, plastic or other approved materials, storage tanks shall be closed in accordance with section 27-317 or replaced with secondary containment to meet the standards for Category-C storage tank systems in accordance with section 27-307(a) within three (3) years from the date of the revision of the wellfield protection maps placing the storage tank facility within the one-foot drawdown contour or no later than December 31 of the appropriate year as shown in Table UST of this article, whichever is sooner. Underground storage tank facilities that are constructed of fiberglass, steel clad with glass fiber-reinforced plastic, single-walled steel which has been cathodically protected continuously since the installation of the tank, plastic or other approved materials, and that are inert to the product to be stored, shall meet the following requirements:
The storage tank system shall install release detection systems in accordance with 27-308(b)(2)a., b., e.2., or f. or section 27-307(b)(2)e.1.a) and b) within six (6) months from the date of the revision of the wellfield protection maps placing the storage tank facility within the one-foot drawdown contour.
Secondary containment must be installed by December 31, 2009.
Where the storage tank facility is completely outside of the one-foot drawdown contour of a public water supply well or in an area within an assigned service area of a public water supply utility, underground storage tank facilities shall be required to have secondary containment, spill containment, and dispenser liners installed no later than December 31 of the appropriate year as shown in Table UST of this article.
Aboveground storage tank systems.
All storage tank systems with tanks having capacities greater than five hundred fifty (550) gallons that contain vehicular fuel and that were subject to Chapter 17-61, F.A.C., shall have met the requirements of such chapter by January 1, 1990.
AST Category-B tanks, with the exception of tanks exempt under section 27-307(a)(3)c.1., installed or constructed at a facility after March 12, 1991, shall have secondary containment for the tank.
Integral piping that is in contact with the soil and that is connected to AST systems shall have secondary containment if installed after March 12, 1991. For integral piping that is exempt under section 27-307(a)(4)e.4., it is not required to install secondary containment.
By January 1 of the appropriate year shown in Table AST below, unless specified otherwise, all AST Category-A and Category-B storage tank systems shall meet the following requirements or be permanently closed in accordance with section 27-317(c).
Year Tank or Integral Piping Installed 1993 2000 2005 2010 +Before July 13, 1998 P LTVX W U Key to Table AST
L =
Where the storage tank facility is totally or partially within the one-foot drawdown contour of a public water supply well or in an area not within an assigned service area of a public water supply utility, the facility shall have secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a).
P =
With the exception of high viscosity bulk product piping, bulk product piping in contact with soil and not in secondary containment shall be tested in accordance with API RP 1110, ASME B31.4, or an equivalent method approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316. Such testing shall be performed annually thereafter.
T =
With the exception of siting and material construction standards, Category-A and Category-B systems shall meet the performance standards of section 27-307(a). In addition:
Storage tank system construction standards that include cathodic protection remain applicable; and
Storage tanks where the entire bottom of the tank is in contact with concrete do not have to seal the concrete beneath the tank until such time the tank bottom is replaced. However, concrete secondary containment systems designed in accordance with section 27-307(a)(1)e.3., do not have to be sealed.
Category-A bulk product piping in contact with the soil shall be upgraded with secondary containment, unless:
A structural evaluation performed in accordance with API 570, as specified in "U" (2)(b), of Table AST, and results of the structural evaluation indicate that the bulk product piping has remaining useful life; or
The integral piping conveys high viscosity hazardous materials, that are exempt from secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a)(4)e.4.; or
The integral piping is protected from corrosion and is tested annually in accordance with ASME B31.4, API 1110, or an equivalent method approved by the EPGMD in accordance with section 27-316. This piping shall have secondary containment by January 1, 2010, in accordance with "U" of Table AST.
Initial internal and external inspections, examinations, and tests for each tank shall be performed in accordance with API Standard 653, and an appropriate reinspection interval for each tank shall be established in accordance with API Standard 653. If any deficiency is discovered during the inspections, the person performing the evaluation of the tank in accordance with API 653 must verify that the tank is ready for service before the storage tank is put back into service. This verification must be documented in the internal inspection records. Future tests for each tank shall be performed in accordance with the inspection interval established in accordance with API 653 (1996). Baseline inspections already conducted according to the API Standard 653 (1991) will be accepted.
As an alternative to installing secondary containment underneath an AST Category-A or Category-B storage tank, the interior bottom of the tank and at least eighteen (18) inches up the sides may be internally lined in accordance with API RP 652. Secondary containment must nonetheless be installed in the dike field area and be continuously bonded to the perimeter of the tank foundation.
U =
All internally lined single bottom storage tanks, with the exception of tanks exempt under section 27- 307(a)(3)c.1., shall be upgraded with secondary containment.
All AST Category-A bulk product piping in contact with the soil, except for piping exempt from secondary containment requirements under section 27-307(a)(4)e.4., shall be:
Upgraded with secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a)(1)e.; or
Instead of being upgraded with secondary containment, be evaluated for structural integrity by:
Establishing and maintaining the piping inspection intervals in accordance with API 570, section 4-2, by January 1, 2000;
Determining the remaining life of the system in accordance with API 570, section 5.0, by January 1, 2000. If the determination indicates that the piping:
Must be repaired, then the piping shall be repaired within three (3) months of the determination in accordance with API 570 and section 27-309., F.A.C.;
Is leaking, then the piping must be immediately taken out of operation. If the piping cannot be repaired, it must be closed or upgraded with secondary containment within one (1) year of the determination;
Is not leaking, but has corroded to a point where it no longer has structural integrity, then the piping shall be closed, or upgraded with secondary containment by January 1, 2000; or
Has remaining useful life, then the piping shall be closed or upgraded with secondary containment when the API 570 inspection and remaining life determination data indicates that closure or replacement is necessary.
Providing a certification by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida that the evaluation meets the above criteria.
V =
Secondary containment for cut and cover or concrete storage tanks.
Spill containment in accordance with section 27-307(a)(1)c.
Dispenser liners for shop-fabricated tanks in accordance with section 27-307(a)(3)e.
Secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a)(1)e. and (a)(3)c., for dike field areas of facilities with shop-fabricated tanks having dike field area secondary containment that is constructed of concrete or installed with synthetic liners not meeting these requirements.
W =
Secondary containment in accordance with section 27-307(a)(1)e. and (a)(3)c., for dike field areas of facilities with field-erected tanks having dike field area secondary containment that is constructed of concrete or installed with synthetic liners not meeting these requirements.
Secondary containment for small diameter piping extending over surface waters.
Secondary containment for small diameter petroleum contact water piping in contact with the soil.
X =
Deadline to determine integrity of single wall bulk product piping with an API 570 structural integrity evaluation in accordance with the option for Category-A systems in "U" of Table AST.
(Ord. No. 1999-46, § 1, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 2003-04, § 1, 1-28-03; Ord. No. 2005-11, § 9, 5-24-05; Ord. No. 2009-56, § 1, 8-25-09)